D’Karamille’s Beauty & more Portada - D’karamille’s Beauty Plaza

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Your business with a minimum investment
Professional in the

Beauty and you want a cozy place
Join D'Karamille's Team
Your passion in a strategically designed space
A space for beauty professionals
interested in being part of our team call us 📱347.653.1988 or visit us at 📱
D'karamille's Beauty Plaza is not only a commercial space for beauty professionals to develop their brand but also has the vision to provide an environment of personal, emotional and intellectual edification that fosters personal and business growth.
Our mission is to provide a professional, hygienic and friendly environment to guarantee an excellent service.
For beauty professionals to develop their brand with a minimum investment.
D'Karamille's Beauty D'Karamille's Beauty & more is not only a beauty salon to highlight physical beauty, but also has the vision to provide an environment of personal, emotional and intellectual edification, through workshops, lectures and activities that promote personal growth.
Dianna Marte Pérez

Professional in Curls and Pedicures.

I am Dianna, I define myself as a professional because I am a woman who does everything she does with love and dedication, but above all with the purpose of pleasing and pleasing everyone who comes to support my business.
I am a woman who loves God and considers herself blessed because God gives me the ability, energy and love to carry out my work.
Where does creating a beauty salon come from? Well, I am a mother of three children, who were my engine to after 10 years of being a housewife ....

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